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Drawing Class

2025 Summer Programming

 Summer Camp Dates and Themes


Week 1: June 2nd – June 6th Theme: Summer Kick Off


Week 2: June 9th – June 13th Theme: Safari / Animal Adventures


Week 3: June 16th – June 18th (No Camp June 19th or 20th) Theme: Art Explosion


Week :4 June 23rd - June 27th Theme:  Culinary Creations


Week 5: June 30th - July 3rd (No Camp July 4th) Theme: Carnival


Week 6: July 7th - 11th Theme: Out of This World


Week 7: July 14th - 18th Theme: Camping & Wilderness / "True North" Vacation Bible School


Week 8: July 21st  - 25th Theme: Mad Science


Week 9: July 28th  - August 1st  Theme: Sports Mania


Week 10: August 4th  - 8th Theme: Adios Summer



Summer Camp Rates


All school year ACDS students are automatically enrolled in summer camp, unless withdrawal is officially completed and on file with the office. Billing for the summer weeks will remain the same as the current school year bi-weekly billing.


All students Pre-K 4 and older will automatically be enrolled in Vacation Bible School.


Summer Camp Rates for Non-Attending Regular School Year ACDS Students:


              Full Day

                              2 Year Olds: $425/Week

                              3-5 Years Old: $400/Week

                              Kinder - 3rd Grade: $350

                              Week of June 16th: $95 Off / Week of June 30th: $25 Off


             Half Day

                              2 Year Olds: $325/Week

                              3-5 Year Olds: $300/Week

                              Kinder-2nd Grade: $250/Week

                              Week of June 16th: $55 Off / Week of June 30th: $25 Off



Please note the following:


               - We do not offer camp for infants or toddlers, only full time year round attendance options.


                -All 3-year-olds and up must be potty trained. (Pull ups ok for nap time only and must be supplied                           by the camper).


               -Campers must register for the entire week. No discounts for individual days given.


               -Payments must be complete BEFORE attendance is permitted. 


               -Once registration deadline has passed, there are no refunds given or changing of weeks.                                    Additional weeks may be added if space is available. 


               -All campers should wear gym shoes and socks everyday.  They should bring a light sweater for                             inside and a refillable water bottle every day. Please label all items.


               -On special days, students will have water play outside. Campers should bring a swimsuit, towel,                          water shoes and a plastic bag. We will have water play outside weather dependent.


               -Campers will go outside everyday weather permitting.  Please apply sunscreen before arrival.                              Full day campers will keep a labeled sunscreen at school.


               -Full day campers will receive 2 snacks and a catered lunch.  Half day campers will receive one                            snack.  A snack and lunch menu are provided in advance. Campers with specific allergies,                          please discuss with the office prior to attending. Substitutions or home food is only allowed                                                     with documentation from a health care provider.


               -All campers will need to sign in and out electronically using the Procare app.


               -Please do not bring personal items or toys to camp with your camper.  Electronics are not                                      allowed.  ACDS is not responsible for lost or damaged property.


               -ACDS provides cot sheets and blankets.  Campers need to supply their own diapers, wipes, and                         diaper cream if needed.






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