Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
11:30 am-12:45 pm
Monday - Friday
Join us for a healthy catered lunch and recess with friends on our various surfaces!
Student will enjoy indoor recess in our full sized gymnasium and outdoor recess on our 2 playgrounds, various green and black spaces to run, ride bikes and play!
Registration is due on the first of each month.
Advanced registration for the entire month is required.
No refunds or credits given for absence or missed days.
Ages 3-7 Years
Offered: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Offered September - May, 2025/26
$20 Per Day
Payment and Registration Due On The First of Each Month
Students are only able to bring their own lunch or have substitutions provided with approval and documentation from a healthcare provider.
ACDS Extra Programming Opportunities
Enrich offered fall and spring for little learners ages 3-6 years of age.
After School Program For Pre-School and Kindergartners.

Lunch bunch is a fun way to build relationships and work on socialization for ages 3-6.